Today’s WooJuHo

Jungwoo, Minju, and Lee Know (Lee Minho)
1. [+155][-17] He’s just a puppy….

Puppy running for student president
Promise 1. Increasing school meal portions by 6 times
Promise 2. Including cham-gejang (marinated mitten crab) in the menu!
Promise 3. The school anthem will be ‘Smiling Angel’!
2. [+144][-11] If he had black hair I would be super immersed.

3. [+113][-11] Kim Jungwoo is so cute ㅠ

4. [+71][-0] Their visual combo is daebak.

5. [+62][-6] He’s really art.

6. [+54][-1] Cute puppy ㅠ

7. [+42][-1] This puppy is being serious.

8. [+41][-1] He’s so cute.

9. [+30][-1] All 3 of them have amazing visuals.

10. [+29][-3] So beautiful ㅠ

11. [+24][-1] Kim Minjoo is a pretty puppy.