Share in the comment section if you have more!

(FYI, numbers in comments indicate the order which they posted their gifs, there are currently 329 replies.)


1. [+60][-2] 139

2. [+50][-1] Bookmark

3. [+48][-3] 155

4. [+36][-0] 180

5. [+30][-1] 176

6. [+26][-1] 34

7. [+21][-1] 120

8. [+19][-0] 141

9. [+18][-0] 135

10. [+16][-0] He’s fxxking handsome, why does no one know?

11. [+16][-0] Legend.

12. [+15][-0] 148

13. [+15][-1] 118

14. [+14][-0] 185

15. [+14][-0] 182

16. [+13][-1] Magic

17. [+13][-0] 196

18. [+8][-0] 72